You can play Android and iOS games such as The Sims Free Play on your desktop and laptop computers, whether Mac or PC for free.
This is possible with an Android app player or emulator, and although there are many out there, currently the best one and free is Bluestacks. Use this link to get The Sims Freeplay and follow the instructions below. For this to work, you need to have a Google (gmail) account. You also need to have the Hyper-V feature disabled if on a Windows computer.
This is possible with an Android app player or emulator, and although there are many out there, currently the best one and free is Bluestacks. Use this link to get The Sims Freeplay and follow the instructions below. For this to work, you need to have a Google (gmail) account. You also need to have the Hyper-V feature disabled if on a Windows computer.
- On your web browser, navigate to this link:
- Click the Download button. Open the Bluestacks Installer executable file when it's done and click Install now. The Install now button might take some time to show up as the installer files need a bit of time to be extracted.
- Click on Complete button to auto-start the Bluestacks App Player. You will also see the software's icon on the Start menu and on your Desktop. The first run of the app might take a couple of minutes depending on your hardware specifications.
- A Improve Location Accuracy? pop-up is shown, click on Agree.
- Choose your preferred language and click on Let's Go.
- Put your Gmail address and password and press Enter.
- The Sims Freeplay app should show up automatically. If not, click on the Search bar and type The Sims Freeplay. Click Install and then click Open when it's done.
- The Bluestacks App Player will automatically create a shortcut of The Sims to your Desktop and Start menu, so you can run it directly from there. You can also find it in Bluestacks, in the My apps tab. On the App Center you can find more apps and games to download if you desire.
- Setup the game as normal, by adding your age, your Gmail account to save and sync your game data.
- To pass the tutorial, you need to use the Right and Left direction arrows on your keyboard to rotate the camera, and the Up and Down arrows to zoom in and out respectively. The rest can be controlled with the mouse, for instance to pan the camera, drag the mouse with the button pressed, as if you're moving an item.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.
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