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Upgrade the Video Editing Hackintosh to macOS Mojave - Fully working?

This guide is for upgrading our video editing Hackintosh PC from High Sierra to macOS Mojave.

Refer here for the original build specs and High Sierra and drivers installation.

 Clover Update and Mojave Upgrade Installation steps

  1. Download the 6.03 GB macOS Mojave Installer from the App Store, but don't install it just yet, we have to update the Clover bootloader.
  2. Download the latest version of the Clover Configurator from here
  3. When trying to open the Clover Configurator, you might get a prompt message "Clover Configurator can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer".
  4. To fix that, open System Preferences.
  5. Open the Security & Privacy preference pane.
  6. You will see at the General tab, that "Clover Configurator was blocked from opening...". Click Open Anyway.
  7. From the left side in Clover Configurator, click Install / Update Clover.
  8. Click Check Now, and then click Update.
  9. This will open the Clover Installer. Click Continue 3 times.
  10. Click the Customize button. Now these selections may vary depending on your system, or you may not need them at all. I selected them because it won't boot successfully otherwise. Be careful what you select and do your research.
  11. I selected Themes. That's just for the Clover boot appearance. Doesn't affect performance.
  12. Under UEFI drivers (expand to see the options), I selected ApfsDriverLoader-64. This is the APFS file system driver. I stopped using HFS+ since High Sierra, and APFS has been working great for me with my Samsung 960 Evo SSD drive. It is recommended as you will get faster boot up and faster transfer speeds.
  13. Under UEFI drivers I selected AptioMemoryFix-64. This is for fixing Memory problems. For some reason, my motherboard needs it to boot properly.
  14. Under UEFI drivers I selected EmuVariableUEFI-64. This is not usually needed (nor the one above), but again, my Hackintosh will not work without it, especially with dedicated graphics. This is to store NVRAM variables.
  15. Under UEFI drivers I selected UsbKbDxe-64 and UsbMouseDxe-64. These are USB Keyboard and Mouse drivers for during boot up, useful during installation in case your keyboard and mouse are not recognized.
  16. I selected Install Clover Preference Pane. This will add the Clover preference pane in your System Preferences and will notify you of updates. You might also want to go in there after installation and enable it to backup your EFI folder right before each installation / update.
  17. Click Install, enter your password and then click Install Software. Make a restart to ensure it is not only updated, but also your macOS High Sierra still boots properly.
  18. Now start installing macOS Mojave. It will restart 3 times during installation. Make sure it boots from "Boot macOS Install from Mac" partition the first 2 times, and the last one from "Boot macOS from (your drive name)".

  What Works?

  • App Store, iCloud, Messages, Facetime, just like before in High Sierra. In Messages I can see, receive and send SMS (I have an iPhone), and on Facetime I can see my Calls log and can make and receive real calls that are coming from my iPhone straight to the macOS too!
  • Bluetooth works just like before.
  • Audio works just like before (only the Line-Out Green Rear), but in much better quality and clarity of sound. Also some Hackintoshers reported they needed another restart until their audio kicked in.
  • Ethernet (and therefore Internet) works just like before.
  • USB-3 and USB Type-C work as well. Both front and back. Have not tested Thunderbolt 3.
  • Intel HD 630 1.5 GB on-board graphics work and I made this Hackintosh video in Adobe Premiere Pro using said on-board graphics card in Metal.

What doesn't work?

  • On-board WiFi, but that didn't work in High Sierra either so, no big deal as I use Ethernet cable for my Internet.
  • Front and back Headphone Jacks. Again they didn't work in High Sierra either. Will explore different drivers at some point. It's an on-board Creative Sound Blaster ZxRi so it's a bit difficult to have it fully working in macOS.
  • My NVIDIA EVGA 1050 ti GPU. Due to the new Metal 2 API in macOS Mojave, NVIDIA is a bit behind on their Web Drivers, and despite having CUDA drivers installed as well, I get the message that my GPU is not recognized at all with the Web Drivers of High Sierra. Rest assured though, I'm currently working on a workaround / solution, because we are not sure when NVIDIA will release their drivers, so stay tuned for my update on this one!
All credits go to the community.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.


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