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How to denoise a grainy video for free

If you have some very bad footage with a lot of grain or noise, follow this easy and free solution to clear it up and improve the quality of your videos for video editing.

  1. Download the free software Handbrake from here. Install it on your Windows or macOS computer.
  2. Open Handbrake and select the noisy video.
  3. At the Summary tab, at the Preset drop down list, select the export quality you want for your video. The better quality you choose for your video, the more time it will take to encode / export.
  4. Navigate to the Filters tab.
  5. At Detelecine drop down, select Default.
  6. At Interlace Detection drop-down, select Default.
  7. At Deinterlace, select Decomb. At Preset, select EEDI2.
  8. At Deblock, select the number based on how visible are the artifacts on the video. 
  9. At Denoise drop-down, select NLMeans. At preset, select Medium or according to how bad the grain is. At Tune, select Film, High Motion, or None for default. Or according to the type of the video.
  10. At Sharpen, select Lapsharp.
  11. At the Save As, name it something else and choose where to save it.
  12. Click the green Start button to begin encoding the video. This might take a long time, depending on the settings you selected and duration of your video.
  13. Compare it with the original, if it hasn't given you the result you were after, you can play with the settings at the Filters tab and re-encode it, until you find the sweet spot for that specific video.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.


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