Whether you are on a laptop or using a big screen, whether on a real Mac or Hackintosh, sometimes the Default resolution just makes everything too small. Making them bigger by changing resolution though produces another problem, especially for non-Retina screens: blurry fonts and low quality graphics. Here's how to fix that and get real crispy, sharper, high quality text and images on low resolutions by enabling the HiDPI mode in macOS.
- From Spotlight, type Terminal and press Enter to open a Terminal window.
- Type this command and press Enter: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true
- Type your password and then restart your computer.
- Open System Preferences.
- Open the Displays Preference pane.
- Make sure you are at the Display tab.
- Press the Alt key on your keyboard while you click on the Scaled option, located in the Resolutions section. Doing so will reveal all the available resolutions.
- Choose the one that suits you, that also reads (HiDPI) next to it.
You can always go back to the native resolutions, without the HiDPI, again from the System Preferences, Displays. And there's no harm in keeping the HiDPI option enabled. But if you wish to undo this action, use this command in the Terminal: sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist DisplayResolutionEnabled
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.
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