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How to configure your SMBIOS in your Hackintosh

Configuring your SMBIOS and adding a good serial number to your Hackintosh is important for a good number of reasons:

  • For the system to properly recognize your CPU and iGPU.
  • To have both iGPU and dedicated GPU working together without issues.
  • Enabling features on a Mac, such as getting the iMessage working, and proper functionality of QuickLook, Facebook, Handoff, Continuity, iCloud, and fixing issues when opening JPEG files or previewing other files, such as video.
  • Fixing any other issues, such as graphics issues, black screens, freezing and crashes, sleep problems, caused by having the wrong information about your hardware.

For this it is recommended that you go into one of our previous tutorials to update your Clover Bootloader as well as having the proper drivers / kexts installed to ensure you don’t have any issues after changing your SMBIOS.

If you have an AMI BIOS type of motherboard, it is recommended that through the Clover installer, as shown in our guide here, you should install the:
  • AptioMemoryFix-64 driver,
  • RC Scripts
  • and the FileVault 2 drivers. 
  • In some cases, you might need Emulated VRAM (EmuVariableUefi64)

You might also need to patch from IGFX to IGPU for your Intel onboard graphics to work correcly, as shown in the step-by-step process below.

Now you need to know exactly what your hardware is, especially your CPU and any GPUs you have, both dedicated and on board, so you can choose the proper SMBIOS definition. The best place to search for real Macs, and their definitions with all their specs, is You can even search by processor so it’s easier for you to browse and choose the correct one for you. 

For instance, I have an i7 7700K CPU, with HD630 iGPU, with an AMD Radeon RX580 graphics card. That means I need the iMac 18.3 definition, that has the same processor as well as the ability of the RX580 dedicated graphics.

Follow the instructions on the video above, or use the iDiot's Guide to iMessage from Tonymacx86 community. I didn't need to log out from iCloud or disable the Internet as written in iMessage, but I did have to re-login to iCloud, Creative Cloud and Teamviewer apps. Some apps like Viber might also need you to login / setup again. So either follow the iDiot's guide to the letter, and log out completely before configuring your SMBIOS, or just login again to whichever app asks you to.

Check out our new Hackintosh store at
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.

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