So some have been asking for an update to our older video playing Sims on your desktop or laptop computer, as well as some having issues with the controls / tutorial when starting Sims.
Hopefully this update with the newest Bluestacks Android emulator and the latest Sims Freeplay game, can help you get your game going on your computer.
Hopefully this update with the newest Bluestacks Android emulator and the latest Sims Freeplay game, can help you get your game going on your computer.
- Download and install the free Bluestacks Android emulator software from:
- Due to being an Android emulator, some antivirus software may give a false positive. If your security software prevents you from installing this emulator, you can temporarily disable it so the installation of Bluestacks can proceed.
- You may need to login with your Google Play email (gmail address).
- Click on the Google Play Store icon.
- Search for Sims. You can download either the Sims Mobile or Sims Freeplay or any other game available for Android.
- Install and proceed with any further update downloads of the game.
- You can see the Game Guide for controls on how to move the camera, on the right side of the window.
- To pass the tutorial:
- To pan the camera, simply press and hold down the left-click button of your mouse, and move your mouse around.
- To rotate the camera, press and hold down the F1 button on your keyboard, and simultaneously, press and hold down the left-click button of your mouse and move your mouse around (in both directions to pass the tutorial).
- To zoom in, press and hold the Up arrow button on your keyboard.
- To zoom out, press and hold the Down arrow button on your keyboard.
- If you're having trouble moving the camera, simply press the F1 button once, and the camera will start moving.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.
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