This article addresses post-installation issues.
Post-installation Script
You will need Internet for this.
- Run Clover Configurator and mount the EFI parttitions, of both your USB Installer and your Hack's SSD.
- Copy the EFI contents of your USB Installer to the SSD's EFI of your laptop.
- There was a README file on the EFI folder we downloaded and unzipped. If you don't have it, you can find it here:
- Inside the README file you will find a command you have to run on the Terminal (I repeat, you need the Internet for this to run). For reference, here is the command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Enabling the numeric keypad
- For this, we need to be able to see the hidden system files first. To do so, open the Terminal and type: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE then killall Finder. When we're done with this procedure, you can change it back if you like by running the same commands, but change the "true" to "false".
- Now through the Finder, navigate to /usr/local/bin and ensure that the setleds file is there.
- Open System Preferences and open the Security and Privacy panel.
- Navigate to the Privacy tab.
- From the list on the left, click Accessibility.
- Click the Lock to make changes.
- Click the + button. You might not be able to see the folders still, so type setleds in the Search bar. Select it and click Open.
- After restart, you can press and hold the Num Lock button for a few seconds (5-6 seconds) to activate the numeric keypad.
The touchpad left and right buttons don't work, so we will have to enable tap to click, 2 fingers to right-click, and 3 fingers (tap and drag) for drag and drop functionality.
- Navigate to System Preferences, Trackpad.
- Navigate to the Point & Click tab.
- Enable Secondary Click -> Click or tap with 2 fingers.
- Enable Tap to Click.
- Optional: I've set the Click to Light for easier tapping.
- Go back to System Preferences, and open the Accessibility panel.
- From the left side, click on Pointer Control.
- From the Mouse & Trackpad tab, click the Trackpad Options button.
- Enable Enable Dragging, with 3 finger drag and click OK.
Enable on-board Intel Bluetooth
- Navigate to and download the latest release (as of the time of this writing, my version was 1.0.3).
- Use Clover Configurator to mount the EFI partition of your Hack, and copy both kexts (IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext and IntelBluetoothInjector.kext) to EFI/Clover/kexts/Other. (Don't install to Library/Extensions or System/Library/Extensions, because then you will have boot issues.)
- Restart your computer.
Fix blurry fonts and resolutions
- Follow the instructions from here:
- My selected options at the Terminal (in order), were
- 1-Enable HiDPI (if you have issues after waking from sleep, select 2-Enable HiDPI with patch)
- 3-Macbook Pro
- On the resolutions step you can choose which one is more comfortable for you. If it's not listed, you can choose Custom Resolution and type it in.
- Now you can change the size of the text etc by going to System Preferences, Displays, Display tab, and selecting an option from Scaled. If you have rescaling issues after sleep, then leave it to the Default scale option. If you still have rescaling issues, even with the patch (selecting 2 on the first step above), then install the free Amphetamine software from the App Store:
- Start a new session and deselect Allow system sleep when display is closed. This will prevent your Hack to go to sleep when you're closing the lid.
- Also go to System Preferences, Energy Saver and set the Turn Display Off to Never and enable Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when display is off.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.
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