Duplicate the template to your Notion workspace from here:
Adding new entries
First we have the Add a new entry template button. This will automatically create a journal entry page with the current date and time of creation included in the title.
Upon opening this page, you'll also find 3 boxes for you to write in, one for reflections - free writing, and the other 2 in a separate column to list the day's achievements and things that you're grateful for.
You can of course add more prompts and callout boxes by clicking the ⚙️ button next to the "Add a new journal entry" button to edit the template page.
Archive system
No database? No problem. Here you have a page for each year and each month to serve as your archives.
To create a new set of 12 months archives for next year, simply press the Add 12 months of archives template button for 12 pages designated to each month.
- When you're done with your journal entries, simply drag them to the corresponding month archive.
- When a month is done, drag that month to the corresponding year.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.