Get the links and create the shortcuts
- On your desired block, click on the 6 dots, and from the context menu, tap on "Copy link to block".
- Open Action Blocks, tap on "Create action block" and select "Open a link".
- Paste the Notion link to block, click Next, select an icon of your choice, name it, "Save action block" and drag the new icon to your homescreen.
To open the links from the Notion app
- Tap and hold Notion icon until it bounces and tap on the tiny "i" icon on its top right corner.
- Tap on the "Set as default" section, enable "Open supported links".
- Also on the same section, tap on "Supported Web Addresses" and enable them all.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.
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