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Free daily bullet journal template for Notion

Another free template for Notion users. This one is a simple daily and weekly bullet journal, with the option for recurring tasks or daily habits! The template blocks make it easy to create a new day or a new week with repeated tasks, appointments and habits pre-created (once you setup the template block the first time).

Watch the video above on how to use the template.

Probably the best (or weird depending how you find it) part: This template doesn't use ANY databases (unless you want to make some for other reasons, like your collections).So it's fast to navigate, and it's simple and easy to use.

The old days and weeks can easily be drag and dropped in an archive page, and you can choose to save them or delete the entire archive after a while.

The "today" block also comes with a dedicated page for daily journal entries. Since it's inside the specific day block, it will be archived with it when it's done. 

On the left side you also have a Current Goals section and place for links or page shortcuts. On the right side you have the Backlog which are tasks without a date, or migrated for another day, cancelled tasks or for upcoming tasks. You can drag and drop tasks back and forth between this section and today and even apply a Task Skipped counter where you can count for how many days you skipped a specific task (thus deciding whether you should place it as low priority or delete it entirely).

You can plan tomorrow's tasks with a dedicated block (which comes in a toggle, so out of sight until you need it), and drag it back up to today's section.

You can also view and plan your entire week. Recreating a whole week only takes a single click through a template button, which you can modify to add recurrent tasks/ habits etc.

Each day also comes with a Notes section. You can also add events / appointments with dates, time, duration (end date + time) and reminders.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.

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