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Gamified master task DB - Free Notion Template (update)


An upgrade of my last template for adding gamification to your project management.


  • improved points section - profile, level, total missions completed, total gems available
  • added currency (gems) 
    • each task / project completed in active missions: + 1 gem
    • each habit completed: + 1 gem
    • each reward purchased: - (amount x price) gems
  • added recurrent habit tracker
  • added rewards shop (automatically deducts points at price set by user)
  • toggle visibility of navigation bar
  • pages for mobile view and tracking
Watch the video above for an overview of the template and how to use it.

Setting up multiplayer

  • users sharing the same workspace
  • make a new profile card for each player in "points" database
  • separate dashboard
    • linked views of "points" database
    • duplicate missions database for each user
    • duplicate habits database for each user
    • duplicate rewards database for each user
    • connect tasks in missions, days in habits and items in rewards databases with the appropriate user profile for point system to work.
  • you can add filter for the relation with the designated profile card to have the last step done automatically whenever you create a new entry in any database
  • the linked points database view will allow you to see all users' cards with their levels.

If Notion breaks link to points in habit log

If when moving / duplicating or during multiplayer setup you get your habit days disconnected from your user profile (for points to count), you need to
  • open the habit log database
  • scroll until all 365 days load
  • Select All, right-click - Edit Property
  • select the relation property and reconnect to the points database WITH your user profile page.
  • Then go back to your user profile in points database, find the rollup property for completed habits (hidden property), and reconnect to the habit log database, 
  • then property = Completed (formula type of property) and Calculate = sum.
I don't know why Notion breaks this function, but at least you don't have to do it one by one.

Due to Notion being a lag-fest (horrible performance), I suggest you use one template per year. In missions database, add all the important stuff; your work projects, your studies, and your personal goals. For recurrent daily stuff, add to your habit log instead. 

Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for your personal use.


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